Sunday, August 14, 2011


For everyone out there that have young kids in school, you will have to buy expo dry erase markers for them to take. At walgreens the price on these is $3.99 each this will be your first order once you pay there will be A coupon that prints up for $3.00 off future order!
 If you have 2 kids in school then you will need 2 of these so on the next order you will buy another expo dry erase markers at $3.99  and get another $3.00 off coupon

 Now that you have finished with these 2 purchases you now have $6.00 to spend how ever you want in the store.
  At the bottom of the sale adds there are coupons to clip
1st item on your next order: Elmer's glue stix(2 in pack)  .79
2nd item on this order is aluminum foil                            .79
3rd item on this order is Kraft mac and cheese                 .69
4th item most family's will need 2 for a meal!                   .69
5th item is Campbell's chicken noodle soup                      .79 each
6th item I would get 2! this is A good price!                     .79
7th item tuna                                                                      .79
 8th item is I would get 2 also, you still have money to use!!.79
            Hand them all of your coupons for your items this would bring the total to $6.12
                             This is where you want to hand them your $3.00 off coupons
                                       your total amount due now is .12!!!!!!WOW!!
 how often can you say you got 8 items for .12? not to often!

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