Wednesday, July 27, 2011


  Ok everyone, here is A new thing I have posted. It is called Swag Bucks! What you do is serf the internet, watch videos,play games, take daily polls(1 A day) and take online serveys.Everything you do earns you Swag Bucks. After you earn so many you can buy things from there store or even gift cards to use online! I will tell you it takes alot of Swag Bucks to get the gift cards, But the way I look at it is my kids love to play games online so why not get something for it!I have been doing the Swag Bucks for about 6 months and I have almost enough to get A $50.00 gift card. Which I will use for christmas shopping. Now remember I am A working mother and I dont have alot of extra time, so me earning Swag Bucks is alot harder then someone that dosent work!
  Feel free to click on the box to the right and get more info!!

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