Monday, July 11, 2011

How I Started Couponing!

     How many of you mothers out there have spent countless nights thinking "There must be a better way" Well I was one of them moms! Then my husband and i was watching tv one night and seen a show called Extreme Couponing. I then said thats it! Bob (my husband) looked at me and said your crazy!! I said well I must be because I am going to do it! After spending $200.00 a week on my shoping bill what did I have to loose?
      I have been doing this now for about 5 months and my weekly shoping bill has gone to $75.00 a week! WOW, what a savings!
      For anyone that would be interested in giving this a try all you have to do is save your coupons! You can also print them online(but make sure your local store accepts them) When you see an item onsale in the add that is when you would use your coupons!

1 comment:

  1. Girl you have way more patients than I do. I dont think that I could sit down and map it all out not to mention I dont think I would need 300 tooth brushes or 45 bottles of hot sauce. But cudos to you for getting it goin in your family if you lived closer i would employ you to do my shopping lol. Now there is a way to make some extra cash huh?
